
The culture of vertical gardens originates from observing how, in nature, under certain conditions, there is a prolific development of vegetation even along rock walls and on the surface of the trunks of large trees, in tropical environments, but not only.

This vertical development of flora is now a rather familiar inspiration in contemporary design culture, to the point of shaping the walls of homes, premises, and indoor spaces in general, as well as large external facades of buildings. Thus more than 30 years ago, in this form,  the first human created vertical garden was born.

This new technology, in perfect balance between botany and design, proliferated on external facades and walls, over the years eventually reaching indoor spaces.

New environmental challenges require greater awareness in the use of resources and management burdens. Ila has developed its own line of vertical gardens designed for outdoor spaces with this in mind.

Attention to design, the knowledge of the deep jungle, and a total absence of maintenance make Ila's vertical gardens the ideal choice for large outdoor setups. The quality of materials and the UV resistance of plants and shrubs allow for long-lasting durability even when exposed to the elements.